I love to eat seaweed snacks(Nori).
I like to make fun montages for my YouTube channel DijutulTech MovieMontage. Go subscribe. Also add me as a friend on Discord. Dijitul#2778 I check my messages at least once every day. Will be adding more here in the future. I am also good at getting multiple free trials for online services. Free DirecTV now. Free youtube tv and YouTube red. Possibly free Hulu. (Not plus) I like to watch American Dad, Gravity Falls, Avatar the last airbender(Nickelodeon tv show, for the comedy) I am a fan of the MCU(Marvel Cinematic Universe) and also waiting for the next Star Wars movie(episode 9 and also Solo:A Star Wars Story) I have screen recording software and a website that allows me to watch almost any well-known movie or tv show and record it directly to my computer. (Only $40 for the computer software) I will be adding more content here as soon as I think about it. If you friend me, share a spare email address, discord (username and #****)or Instagram username or phone number/Apple iMessage email address or phone number. These are common direct message and communication methods. I currently have a Samsung Galaxy S8+, Windows 10 Acer spin 5, iPhone 6s iPad mini 3 Wifi+Cellular Nontendo 3DSXL(Red old version) as you can see, I know a lot about me, so feel free to send me a friendly text message and chat with me on Discord or Instagram. Unless I'm doingwork, I should be available on weekdays and weekends to chat on any of the platforms I mentioned above.
22 years old
kind of introverted, kind of extroverted. Prefer chat over local meetup like coffee shop or movie.
Pacific Northwest
United States
Student in high school, need I say more?
working with computers and general technology while also being connected with the one TRUE God and his nature that he's created for all to enjoy.
technology, computers, phones, anything to do with technology i'm interested in. I am also trying to create new youtube video montages. If anyone has any ideas, good or bad, discord me. I'm online at least once every day checking my messages. Dijitul#2778.
Local friends
Friends from around the world
Friends with pets
Start a club, e.g. book club
fiddle with computers, binge watch TV shows and popular movies. Buy computers and electronic devices with not my own money.
Make fun montages as entertainment for my YouTube channel. DijutulTech MovieMontage. Go subscribe, I appreciate it.
I'm fine with either/mix it up!
Pen pal or email pal, Hang out, Network, Other
Any movie theater, especially ones with comfy seats.
Century theaters.
Apple Store, Best Buy, other tech stores.
I've been to poland, Austria, France, Spain, panama, majuro(martial islands) I've been to multiple Hawaiian island over the years (total more than 6 times.) Alaska,Montana, Idaho, Oregon California new York new Jersey, maybe maine, florida many times Louisiana multiple times Alabama Mississippi taxes(Dallas airport) Michigan Wisconsin. And many more.
Social Life
None at the moment
Prefer not to say
Garfield comic strips, would like to read fantasy/adventure if someone would introduce the right series to me. Does Youtube count? If so, youtube.
I love to listen to POP Christian music. Anything that points to the one true God and that praises his name and worships him for who he is. I’m an SDA
My usual favourite restaurant, Two words: Pizza + beer
Early Bird - early to bed and to rise, Night Owl - I like to stay up late!
Sprite or Mug Root Beer. Other lemon lime sodas would do.
I don't drink