Average kid, love to stan too many things at once and pet all the animals I can. Just moved to another city by myself and am going to Leeds for a few months, so that leaves me a bit cut off from mates, so I would like to find some friend/s to chat to and/or meet
Latvian, Russian, English
27 years old
Began studying to become a therapist but failed chemistry so thinking of a new dream job.
Art, tv shows, music
Men, Women, Other
Local friends
Friends from around the world
One or two close friends
Friends with pets
I'm fine with either/mix it up!
Go for coffees, Go to movies, Go to concerts, Camping, Hit up a night club, Start a group (books, wine, etc) , Play cards, Pen pal or email pal, Just talk. gossip. catch up, Visit the happy hour at your favorite bar, Go for walks, Shopping, Go for a bike ride. rollerblade, Have dinner parties, Go on a double date, Hang out, Meet for brunch, Meet for lunch, Travel, Go to restaurants, Other
Social Life
Cat, rules my life tbh
In a relationship
That new and trendy place, My usual favourite restaurant, A dinner party, Two words: Pizza + beer
Night Owl - I like to stay up late!
Social drinker