Currently, I am a college student working towards a Biology degree. Upon graduation I plan to attend Nursing school. After becoming an RN I plan to become a Nurse Practitioner. I love the outdoors and I love to travel, so I hope to become a traveling NP where I can travel all over the world.

I love to run, I ran competitively for 7 years.
I am 5'11".
Hablo poquito espaƱol.
Introducing myself to Korean.
29 years old
I am a fairly laid-back person. I like to speak my mind, but in a respectful yet straightforward manner. I absolutely hate BS. I am quite bubbly, which also means I am extremely awkward at times.
I love to meet new people, because I love to learn about their life experiences and I love to see the world through their eyes, (whether it's a positive view or not).
United States
Student and aide at a local hospital.
I enjoy learning new cultures, such as those outside of the US. I like to write poems and lyrics.
Men, Women
Friends from around the world
Go on hikes and take pictures of the scenery. I like to dance like a fool for 65% of my day.
I prefer small groups, or 1 on 1
Work out. exercise, Go for coffees, Camping, Hiking, Pen pal or email pal, Go for walks, Go for a bike ride. rollerblade, Travel
I LOVE TO TRAVEL (enough said).
Social Life
None at the moment... but I love all animals, especially dogs.
No kids
"Perfectly Yourself" by Matthew Kelly
I like a wide-range of music. The most important thing to me when it comes to music is the lyrics. If the lyrics have no meaning, I usually do not care for the song.
A dinner party
Night Owl - I like to stay up late!
Coffee. I call it my "Liquid Heroine".
Social drinker