On my own and being quite clumsy at it, I've been able to achieve a lot so far but people i see are people from my groups from a few years ago .. been trying to sort of mentally escape the way my family belittles me and i keep remembering that friendship and people that meet you on a real level is what's important in life and basically wish i could connect with people again.. Ever since graduating highschool and the breakups that happened thereafter led me to a lot of quietness in the day to day. A lot of hellos from acquaintances on fb but no go tos or partners in "crime."
Just English
33 years old
Self-betterment type
United States
I work at the library doing circulation and assisting patrons
I would like to do something very independent like freelance programming or owning my own brewery or coffee shop or even reoping the drive-in haha.
School, anything business and computers, games, movies, music, reading, philosophy
Local friends
Couple friends
Friends with pets
Start a club, e.g. book club
Be lazy, go to the river, go for a drive, smoke cigarettes, shopping is addictive but i am poor!
I'm fine with either/mix it up!
Work out. exercise, Go for coffees, Camping, Start a group (books, wine, etc) , Play cards, Visit the happy hour at your favorite bar, Shopping, Go for a bike ride. rollerblade, Network, Meet for lunch, Other
Farmer's Fury, Starbucks, One Eleven, Deli Delicious, Boba Island
I've always wanted to visit Europe the East Coast, and possibly the Philippines or Hawaii
Social Life
Small rescue dog
In a relationship
Just For Today
I like all kinds from heavy rock to ambient yogi music but I avoid stuff that's really rude or shocking even
Early Bird - early to bed and to rise, Night Owl - I like to stay up late!
Long Island
I don't drink, Social drinker
I think I was drunk when I made my first profile...