I try to be poetic--never a success.
Counting down the days to graduation while listening to mainstream music and watching online shows.
I strongly believe that when it comes to food, less is never more. Please double that serving up.

I'm a book trash (don't tell food I've been cheating on it) and love anything that isn't contemporary--they are too poetic for my simple brain. I love writing too, but it feels too weird to share my works with people, especially those that have personal meanings behind them.

People will tell me I'm an extrovert but sometimes, I just want to lock myself away from the world and have some bonding time with my long-lost buddy named Peace. I'm a really approachable person, so hit me up if you need someone to talk to ;)

email (I'm usually MIA from this webpage):
English, Mandarin
22 years old
The water bearer
I did a quiz and found out that there wasn't a personality for 'food-enthusiast'. Disappointingly, this was what I got instead:


Thank you for completing our personality test - here is a copy of your results:

Your personality type: “The Debater” (ENTP-T)
Strength of individual traits: Extraverted: 88%, Intuitive: 22%, Thinking: 24%, Prospecting: 65%, Turbulent: 36%.
Role: Analyst
Strategy: Social Engagement

Whatever that means.
I struggle every day and follow a strict schedule in a heavily guarded place. No, this is not the prison, it's the school.
An occupation which allows me to eat, sleep, chill all day while cash is rolling in.
Reading, singing, writing, sleeping, and my favourite--eating.
Local friends
Friends from around the world
One or two close friends
Friends with pets
I'm fine with either/mix it up!
Go to movies, Start a group (books, wine, etc) , Pen pal or email pal, Just talk. gossip. catch up, Go for walks, Shopping, Hang out, Network, Meet for lunch, Go to restaurants
Nearby bookstore.
Social Life
I used to have a terrapin. It died from overeating.
Anything that doesn't make my ears bleed.
My usual favourite restaurant
Night Owl - I like to stay up late!
I don't drink