English, French
38 years old
Friends from around the world
Explore, travel, or be a tourist where I live
I'm fine with either/mix it up!
Work out. exercise, Go for coffees, Go to movies, Camping, Hiking, Hit up a night club, Start a group (books, wine, etc) , Shopping, Golf, Have dinner parties, Go on a double date
Manitoba's provincial parks!
Too many to list! I think the next place on my list is to explore more of Canada.
Social Life
Horses, chickens, dogs, cats
Always looking for good reads!
CBC Radio 2! Classical in the morning, singer-songwriter in the afternoons with a dash of news to keep me informed!
That new and trendy place, My usual favourite restaurant, Let's do a potluck!, A dinner party, Two words: Pizza + beer
Early Bird - early to bed and to rise
2-3 drinks per week, Social drinker