I am extremely shy and kind of a homebody if I'm not around people I am comfortable with. I love animals and am trying to socialize abit more. I am currently studying teaching and love what I do. Just a quirky person who loves to try new things every now and then.
English and afrikaans
28 years old
Cape town
Western cape
South Africa
I am a student teacher at a homeschool with children who have learning disabilities but I see it more as their own uniqueness
Working for amazing little humans and having an impact on their lives
Watching movies,cooking, playing with puppies and traveling to see my other half
Men, Women
Local friends
Friends from around the world
One or two close friends
Friends with pets
Start a club, e.g. book club
Unwind with a beer and a movie...but always up to go and do something
I prefer small groups, or 1 on 1
Go for coffees, Go to movies, Go to concerts, Camping, Pen pal or email pal, Just talk. gossip. catch up, Visit the happy hour at your favorite bar, Go for walks, Shopping, Have dinner parties, Go on a double date, Hang out, Meet for lunch, Travel, Go to restaurants
If I'm in Pretoria it is definitely Parrots their pizza is amazing and honestly love Grubs Up in Cape town
I would love to go to Ireland! It has always been a dream of mine
Social Life
5 dogs.. can you ever have enough
Not yet
In a relationship
Pretty much anything except heavy metal
Two words: Pizza + beer
Early Bird - early to bed and to rise
Brandy and coke
2-3 drinks per month, Social drinker