Looking for pals/friends/buds/whatever!

The internet is awesome for connecting you with friends that are around the world. I have quite a few, and I wouldn't mind having a bit more!

I know way too much about early 2000's pop culture, and I re-pin DIYs on Pinterest I know I'll never recreate.

Hobbies/Interests: bad dad jokes, lame puns, aesthetically pleasing gifs, dream catchers, gemstones, indoor plants, fashion, traveling, snail mail, pastel-colored hair, floral sleeve tattoos, writing poetry/prose. painting, graphic design, photography, music, hiking, swimming, biking, soccer

I am a mental health and LGBTQIA+ advocate.

Fun fact: My pinky fingers are crooked, and I am fluent in American Sign Language
American Sign Language, English
30 years old
United States
I would hope to be able to study the psychology of social media and pop culture.
Local friends
Friends from around the world
Friends with pets
Start a club, e.g. book club
I'm fine with either/mix it up!
Work out. exercise, Go for coffees, Go to movies, Go to concerts, Camping, Hiking, Start a group (books, wine, etc) , Play cards, Pen pal or email pal, Just talk. gossip. catch up, Go for walks, Shopping, Go for a bike ride. rollerblade, Have dinner parties, Hang out, Meet for brunch, Meet for lunch, Travel, Go to restaurants
All over.
Social Life
I have a black cat named Ninja. He is tailless and hops whenever he runs; it making him look like a bunny. It's "aww" inducing.
Electropop, r&b, underground hip-hop, indie rock/pop, classic rock, 90's music
That new and trendy place, Let's do a potluck!, Two words: Pizza + beer
Early Bird - early to bed and to rise
Sweet tea
Social drinker