Andy Alvarado
Add me on Instagram and message me, andyalvarado902, I'm 24, love baking, sweets, anime, animated series and movies, really enjoy music and talking for a long time about the things me and you are passionate about. Don't have many irl friends so it would be nice to make some here. I'm from Venezuela and don't mind long distance friendships.
Spanish, English, learning Italian and wanting to learn Japanese.
26 years old
Introvert but when you get to know me, i love playing pranks, making voices, funny noices, i love to make people laugh.
Estado Zulia
I tend a small convenience store in my house, a bit odd but really cool and get to know a lot of people.
Making my own business grow so i can secure a future for myself and give my family the comfort they deserve.
Anime, manga, animated and horror movies and series, Jpop, some Kpop, metal, dubstep, rock, Ska and many others, love cooking and baking sweets, love junk food.
Men, Women
Friends from around the world
One or two close friends
Surf for youtube videos, watch anime, listen to music, talk a lot about nonsence, for hours and hours and meet new people.
I prefer small groups, or 1 on 1
Work out. exercise, Go to movies, Go to concerts, Play cards, Just talk. gossip. catch up, Visit the happy hour at your favorite bar, Shopping, Have dinner parties, Hang out, Network, Room mate
Anywhere, really.
Social Life
I like almost everything, if you think i'll like it, don't hessitate to show me.
Two words: Pizza + beer
Night Owl - I like to stay up late!
Wine for sure.
2-3 drinks per month