Hi, I am just looking for friends to talk to because life is boring. If you like someone to talk to, just message me. I am Calista, don't ask me where my username came from
Okay, I guess I should introduce myself. Hey guys, I'm Calista from SIngapore! I am a introverted extrovert (if that makes any sense). I am scorpio. All my friends say I'm funny and "a ball of joy" quoted from them, but yea don't find myself all that nice I would honestly slap myself if I was my friend because I'm that annoying (jake) Just a little annoying. Yea, I love having friends and talking to people about random stuff. I am self-proclaimed understanding because I think I understand and because no one actually goes up to people and say "Hey, you are really understanding you know that?' So yea, hi again, feel free to talk to me :)