I'm a newly graduated girl in a small town in western Canada. I like to spend my time curled up watching netflix and eating everything I can. I also enjoy going out too. I'm a mass of contradictions.
I really enjoy meeting people, especially when they live in a different country and culture :)
I'm a human rights activist but don't worry I'm not a tumblr feminist
I enjoy eating out, going to the movies, talking about different fandoms and debating about points in history. Yeah im a huge history buff. I just want to meet people who I can have long, chill, intellectual or interesting conversations with, whether they live close to me or not.
English, a little bit of French as well
25 years old
Williams Lake
British Columbia
I'm a cashier at the moment, just finishing high school :) I'm graduated already basically
My dream occupation is between becoming a nurse or a makeup artist. These are very different, I know.
Local friends
Friends from around the world
I like to go to the movies, or out to dinner. Sometimes I prefer to stay home and browse the good old Internet and binge Netflix while eating an entire package of oreos
I'm fine with either/mix it up!
Go for coffees, Go to movies, Go to concerts, Hiking, Pen pal or email pal, Just talk. gossip. catch up, Go for walks, Shopping, Hang out, Other
I like to go out for walks in the town, or go to a coffee shop and spend ridiculous amounts of money on coffee :)
Anywhere besides north America
Social Life
I have two dogs and two cats who I love more than myself
Um Im still basically a baby, so I don't have any kids
In a relationship
I read any horror or mystery novels
Anything but country
My usual favourite restaurant
Night Owl - I like to stay up late!
Iced tea because I'm basic
I don't drink