As mentioned above, enjoying many forms of imagination. Comics, tv series, movies, video games you name it. I don't allow myself to be completely engrossed by something, rather I find what I like in all areas. Do I like a certain genre of movies? No, I seek and find the ones I enjoy in every genre. The same goes for music and other things. Although, I do seem to enjoy games and movies soundtracks a lot. It helps with my little daydreaming sessions and escapes.
As for interests, well they vary. Yeah, some topics are more interesting than others and that defines how I treat them. But for the most part, I'm very curious about a lot of things. But if I have to name the ones I'm most active about, it's comics, games, movies, tv, and a lot of things I follow on youtube. All kinds of content creators, from animations to podcasts, to music, or news.