A typical day for me, would be keeping track of my daily routine; in which, I am working on in making my daily routine into a habit. My daily routine consists of hobbies, goals, and habits that I want to develop to be more functional and productive through out my day. Such hobbies include dance, beginning piano, poetry and writing, which I consider fun and challenging at the same time. Moving on to goals, are college subjects, fitness program, the art of storytelling, communication and much more topics that I have set through out the day, that allows room for growth and improvement; in which, is key element for a successful life. And the last of the three main points on my daily routine is establishing good habits. Now to be straight forward, I don't have the best habits in the world; for instance, my teeth has shifted in different positions ever since I discontinued wearing my retainers. As a result of that, for not following instructions as I should of have, I am now paying a consequence; in which, I am trying to recover from. The good news is, I am recovering from my consequence and so my new habit that I am currently working on, is to wear my retainer every night until I see complete progress and to sustain my habit. I say having good early habits saves you a lot of pain in the the long run. Besides all of that, a chill day for me is a trip near a beach where there is a night festival and rise up to a nice picnic in the morning. Also, I would like to have fun with friends but most of my friends are busy either working, or are married and unfortunately how this applies to me, is that my friends don't have the sufficient time as they wish they would have to hang out and spend some quality time with me.
English and Spanish
38 years old
Quiet most of the time, but putting more effort in communication than ever before. I believe communicating is key to sustaining good solid relationships with friends and family.
United States
Physical Therapist
Dance, communication, poetry
Men, Women
Friends from around the world
One or two close friends
Exercise friends
I prefer small groups, or 1 on 1
Work out. exercise, Go for coffees, Pen pal or email pal, Just talk. gossip. catch up, Go for walks, Shopping, Hang out, Meet for lunch, Travel, Go to restaurants
Social Life
One dog
No kids
Story Power by Kate Farrell
Early Bird - early to bed and to rise
I don't drink