Lucas Wolf
I'm not sure what to say but I've been told I'm pretty fun to be around :3 also the profile picture is me i just couldnt find an unedited photo of me that fit my ungodly standards of myself >:0
22 years old
United States
I'm a senior in highschool :33
Just being around people, making people laugh and smile :D
Video games, Computers, Electric scooters, Virtual Reality, Cooking, Shopping, Ect...
Men, Women, Other
Local friends
Friends from around the world
One or two close friends
Couple friends
Friends with kids
Exercise friends
Friends with pets
Ride around on my scooter or play something in VR :DD
I'm fine with either/mix it up!
Go for coffees, Go to movies, Go to concerts, Camping, Hit up a night club, Start a group (books, wine, etc) , Just talk. gossip. catch up, Visit the happy hour at your favorite bar, Go for walks, Shopping, Golf, Hang out with our kids, Go for a bike ride. rollerblade, Have dinner parties, Go on a double date, Hang out, Network, Meet for brunch, Meet for lunch, Travel, Go to restaurants, Room mate, Other
Not sure
I'd go anywhere :)
Social Life
My black cat named Khajiit and my sisters white cat named Elliot; They are both princesses :)))))
None OwU
I'm not into reading as much as I used to be but I'm hoping to pick up the hobby again in the future O_O
I have very diverse music taste but if you'd like I can direct you to my Spotify profile >:)
My usual favourite restaurant, A dinner party
Early Bird - early to bed and to rise, Night Owl - I like to stay up late!
I don't drink, Social drinker
FuCk iT uP KeNnY