A little introvert but working on it. Loves learning about other cultures, languages and I'm very open minded. My English is good but bear with me. Just want to make internet friends that have the same tastes as me. I'm not THAT interesting but at least people say I'm funny and I'm a great listener :).
Spanish and English
26 years old
Flight attendant
I love eating, watching streamers, YouTube, movies, kdramas, Netflix, listening to music and playing with my dog. I'm a big Disney fan and I love animals
Men, Women
Friends from around the world
Friends with pets
Watch streamers
I'm fine with either/mix it up!
Pen pal or email pal, Travel
Social Life
Prefer not to say
I listen to everything but metal lol mostly pop and kpop (mainly bts)
Let's do a potluck!
Night Owl - I like to stay up late!
I don't drink
Hello :)