in summary, I like doing things, talking to people, playing vidya and goofing around
Ich esse Kartoffeln (that means "welcome home")
24 years old
something with wings I think? (INFP 9w1 centrist left leaning)
very laid back and calm in all situations.
United Kingdom
why not just spam my discord? (ThatFuckingGuy#4760)
I want to know if you would rather;
1. walk through a building
2. dance a jig with a drunken pig
3. eat a soup
4. use a chair in an unsafe manner
5. die

I enjoy gaming (first person and action games preferably but i'd play catch the hand grenade if it was co-op) I'm a poorly trained DM interested in finding D&D players and I'm all over retro games, skateboarding and for some reason Minecraft is still fun to play.

I really enjoy LARP (Lorien trust in derby and fools and heroes)
Men, Women, Other
Local friends
Friends from around the world
One or two close friends
Exercise friends
Friends with pets
I'm fine with either/mix it up!
Work out. exercise, Go to movies, Go to concerts, Camping, Hiking, Play cards, Go for walks, Go for a bike ride. rollerblade, Hang out, Network, Other
Social Life
I got a ginger tailless chubby cat called mango with the personality of a prison underdog (undercat?)
if I said the music I enjoy you'd look at me weird.
that being said i do like most music with a beat to it so long as it doesn't sound like the pits of hell
Two words: Pizza + beer
Night Owl - I like to stay up late!