I like wearing suits, drinking whisky, smoking cigars, reading, I love nature culture, psychology, biology and history. I'm 20 years old living in Denmark :)

Snapchat: Azakius
Text me and let me know who you are :)
Danish, English, tiny bit of Japanese.
26 years old
Relaxed, kind, understanding.
Studying to become a nurse.
Doctor/nurse/Reiki healer.
Very open but most is described in "About me"
Men, Women
Local friends
Friends from around the world
I prefer small groups, or 1 on 1
Work out. exercise, Go for coffees, Start a group (books, wine, etc) , Pen pal or email pal, Go for walks, Meet for lunch, Go to restaurants
Japan, China, Scotland, England, Russia, Ireland.
Social Life
Amazon parrot.
Prefer not to say
Some Danish books in psychology.
I like most,but often bluse, heavy metal or heavy bass electronic.
My usual favourite restaurant, Two words: Pizza + beer
Early Bird - early to bed and to rise
Scotch Whisky, with smoky taste.
I don't drink, Social drinker