Hello there! I don't want to put my name on the internet, so for now you can call my Grey. It doesn't mean anything, nobody actually calls me that, it just happens to be my favorite color. (Yes, grey counts as a color).

Email me at if you want to message me. I don't use social media, but you can try to convince me if a certain platform or media if it is more conventional for you. Btw, I'm still here! Don't skip emailing me just 'cause you think I'm inactive, I'll still see your message! Summer is coming up soon and I'll have lots of time to chat, I'm a great listener if anyone wants to just drone on and on about anything at all!

I'm looking for some close friends. I would love to have someone I can text, email, or even meet with in person! I am pretty introverted and awkward. Mix that with super busy and you get friends that are more your acquaintance than close friends.

Liking animals is a must. Forget about it if you are allergic to animals, cause I would not be a good match for you.

LGBTQQIA+ or Straight Ally is desirable, but not required. It would be nice to meet other fellow bisexuals or queer friends, as I don't have many.

Fair warning, I am an Atheist. I don't really care if you are religious, but don't force your beliefs on me and I'll do the same.

I don't bring up politics much, but having similar views would be nice. I'm not wasting any of my time on any right-wing, conservative, Trump supporter. No thank you!

I'm not super for or against vegetarians/vegans or meat eaters. I couldn't care less if you are or aren't. I've been a vegetarian and a pescetarian in the past, but currently eating bacon cheeseburgers today. If you are a vegetarian or vegan, no worries! I got family like that. I have no problems with it.

I'm sorry I don't have a profile picture up. I don't take pictures of myself, don't like taking pictures of myself, and sure as hell not going to post it on the internet. I'm probably starting to sound paranoid, but I have people in my life that would probably give me a hard time if they ever found out I was doing this. They would mean well, but I like my privacy.
Don't speak any other languages except for English...
24 years old
I have an... odd? personality. Not sure if that is the right word for that... It's hard to find words to accurately describe me. I'm the kind of person that most people have a hard time putting into words.

Otherwise, I'm an open book. Ask me anything and I'll give you a straight answer. If you ask, I'll answer. I don't have a filter. Which honestly means that I do the same thing to other people. I don't know when to stop asking question. I'm very curious and tend to ask a lot of questions, so if I offend you, tell me. Cause honestly I do it to everyone...
Kansas City
United States
I work with animals all day. What could be better?
I am an aspiring veterinarian. Going to school now, but would like to open my own practice in the future.
I have lots of interests and hobbies. (Nothing creepy, I swear!) Go ahead and ask me about them. I would love to talk about them.
Men, Women, Other
Local friends
One or two close friends
Friends with pets
I can really appreciate a Netflix and Chill kinda day. Totally committed to a full day of binge watching tv series or movies too. Lord of the Rings Marathon? every. single. year.
I prefer small groups, or 1 on 1
Go for coffees, Go to movies, Camping, Hiking, Pen pal or email pal, Just talk. gossip. catch up, Go for walks, Shopping, Go for a bike ride. rollerblade, Hang out, Meet for brunch, Meet for lunch, Go to restaurants
Don't know of many. I don't get out much, but would love to go exploring with someone. Love trying new things!
I haven't traveled much, but I am planning on something this spring break!
Social Life
I have lots of pets! Ask me about them!
No kids. Don't want to have kids. Nope!
Sorry, don't have much time for reading at the moment. I'm really busy with school and work at the moment, but send me some good recommendations and I'll check it out!
Any music. Literally anything. I can always find something I like.
That new and trendy place, My usual favourite restaurant
Early Bird - early to bed and to rise, Night Owl - I like to stay up late!
I don't drink alcohol. Coffee is life. UNsweet iced tea.
I don't drink