I'm looking for someone to have conversations with about everything. I'm very open minded and kind hearted.
English, husky
46 years old
Wheeling WV
United States
Connecting people with therapy animals
Star Trek, lotr, noir movies, video games, cooking, pets
Men, Women, Other
One or two close friends
Friends with kids
Friends with pets
Go for walks, enjoy nature, watch movies, play games, cuddle
I prefer small groups, or 1 on 1
Go to movies, Play cards, Pen pal or email pal, Just talk. gossip. catch up, Go for walks, Shopping, Hang out with our kids, Hang out, Go to restaurants
Social Life
Siberian Husky
Yes, 2
A book on body language
Post grunge, classic rock, open to most
My usual favourite restaurant
Night Owl - I like to stay up late!
Iced tea
I don't drink