Damian Phipps
Hi! I’m Damian.

After a health condition that lasted for just over a decade, I lost contact with old friends. A 5 year relationship later, and it is now time for me to make some new friends.

I left university 2 years in to a chemistry degree because of the health condition, so I am looking to go back and finally complete my education, albeit in a different subject.
45 years old
United Kingdom
I am fascinated by life and the universe that we all inhabit.

Food is a passion and I love to eat out.

I haven’t had too many nights out on the town recently, but I used to regularly attend night clubs and I love to dance the night away!

I also enjoy cultural experiences such as travel, museums, galleries, exhibitions, events, you name it: I love to experience new things.
Men, Women, Other
Local friends
Friends from around the world
One or two close friends
I'm fine with either/mix it up!
Social Life
Night Owl - I like to stay up late!
I am a vegetarian/vegan.