I am an Avid Researcher Who is interested in economics, science, philosophy, bettering yourself, bettering others, and I go by the quote "all complex things are comprised of simplistic principles and ideals." -John. I Believe in Chivalry, Character, and what does not go on necessarily with what goes on in a persons head (Thinking about the disabled who are victims of there disease) but the actions of a person. I do not like evil, but like in war and self defense I see it necessary. So I believe in necessary evil because of its own title. Its a shame, but my idea is even if I don't help a person feel even better, that is an action of apathy. Again action. There for it would be a darker or more evil action; which might be necessary if I have a headache and I already did what would be the logical and reasonable approach to "enough." The same can be said to letting a person flog in the water learning something as a teacher looking on, so the person can get the idea and have an ahha moment. An epiphany. So yes, I see basic every action as good or bad, good or evil, but that’s because I see the yin and yang in everything, even the idea of opposites in particle physics. I’m not a good speller, and I am currently learning photo-reading. I like to lead, or assist the leader. I don't need a lot of credit, but I do love credit. I am more or less an empath. My empathy and love is very strong and I have a good way of sharing how I feel and see things and break them down for others to see. I believe in the righteous, but I believe in saving the lost and damned. I am also known to give second chances, but being betrayed is the hardest for me because my best attribute is loyalty. It goes as the following, Existences>This Existence>This part of Existence>Galaxy>Part of the Galaxy>Solar system>Worlds>=Earth>Countries (I like America and Great Britain.)=Family>=Job>= Self, Friends>=Self.> Objects
So you can see, my scope is very big. If I think you have an agenda against me or your just asking for problems, I will either defuse or ignore the situation. I automaticly assume your smart, nice, and helpful unless proven otherwise. (In other words, respect.) I love educating people and I love learning from people. My weakness is memory and life experience, but my potential makes up for it. I actually care, so that’s why many people like me from my experiences. I find I can gel with most people, even if I am not fond of them or if there not even like me. It just works for me. That’s all for now. Cheerio!