16, kinda awkward but easy to get along with at the same time.

I just want friends from around the world. I'm easy to talk to and I don't mind learning new things :) Literally pick a topic and I could talk to you for hours, its my only talent.

sc : emikyxxxxx
twitter : emillymaee
English and some French
22 years old
Rather not say :)
United Kingdom
Professor at a university in either psychology or art history.
Reading, listening and playing music. I love musicals and I'm on twitter and Tumblr 24/7. So I don't sleep lol
Men, Women, Other
Friends from around the world
Listen to music mainly
I'm fine with either/mix it up!
Go for coffees, Go to movies, Go to concerts, Pen pal or email pal, Just talk. gossip. catch up, Hang out, Meet for lunch, Travel, Go to restaurants
A nice cafe with mismatching furniture that always smells like coffee
Furthest I've ever been is probably Mexico, I would love to travel the world one day though. I think I would start off with Asia since I've always wanted to go to South Korea and Thailand.
Social Life
definitely nope
I forget what I'm reading half the time and start a new book, think have around three half way through?
My music taste varies from 70's and 80's to classical piano pieces and everything in between. I literally like all music except for pop and country.
My usual favourite restaurant, Two words: Pizza + beer
Night Owl - I like to stay up late!
Social drinker