Hi! I'm Freddy and I'm from Australia. I'm obsessed with too many TV shows and books to count and I think my roommates are ready to hide my phone so I stop playing the Hamilton soundtrack. Currently studying to be a teacher at uni
Fluent in English, getting there with Auslan and German
24 years old
I mean, I think I'm nice?
Yeah nah
University student
Math/Drama teacher
Doctor Who, Supernatural, Sherlock, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Harry Potter, Storm and Silence and the 100 are literally my life
Men, Women, Other
Local friends
Friends from around the world
One or two close friends
Start a club, e.g. book club
I'm fine with either/mix it up!
Go for coffees, Go to movies, Go to concerts, Start a group (books, wine, etc) , Play cards, Pen pal or email pal, Just talk. gossip. catch up, Go for walks, Hang out, Go to restaurants
I want to go everywhere and anywhere
Social Life
None sadly
All of it
Let's do a potluck!
Night Owl - I like to stay up late!
I don't drink
I am a vegetarian/vegan, but it is fine if you are not